Memoirs of an Ex-Cheerleader
(working title)
Susie B. Scheinwald and her girlfriends, their heads full of pop songs, petticoats and boys-boys-boys, whirl us back to New York City and the early 1960s.
Wearing orthopedic shoes and setting her sights on the handsomest basketball player in school might discourage a lesser girl, but Susie’s certain that becoming a cheerleader will win the boy’s heart. Little does she know that she’s pompoming her way toward one of the darkest moments in America’s history. Memoirs of an Ex-Cheerleader: a moving and startingly contemporary tale about the loss of the American Dream as seen through the eyes of an adolescent on the brink to adulthood.
“Memoirs of an Ex-Cheerleader” (working title) has also been produced as a German-language audio book.