Upcoming Events

18 October 2023 • 10:20
“Future Fairy Tales”
School reading in English in the Christophorus Schule
21 November 2023 • 12:15
Poetics Lecture
Poetics lecture for education students.
Halle (Saale)
21 November 2023 • 16:00
Creative Writing Workshop
Creative writing and art workshop for elementary school students in the group “Schreibspielwiese“ (Arbeitsgemeinschaft schreibender Grundschüler); Workshop in Haus 31, Franckesche Stiftungen, Franckeplatz 1
Halle (Saale)
22 November 2023 • 10:00
Reading from “Future Fairy Tales”
School reading in German
Halle (Saale)
20 December 2023 • 09:00
Readings from Everlasting and Future Fairy Tales
two German-language readings and one English-language reading in the Montessori-Oberschule Potsdam.
31 December 2023 • 07:00
Radio Play: Stella Menzel and the Golden Thread
Radio play in German based on the novel “Stella Menzel and the Golden Thread” by HJR with Theresa Zertani, Leslie Malton and HJR and others, Directed by Leonhard Koppelmann
NDR Kultur
21 March 2024 • 09:45
Everlasting/Infinitissimo Bilingual Reading
closed school reading from Everlasting/Infinitissimo at Goethe Gymnasium Steglitz
23 April 2024 • 10:00
Readings from Future Fairy Tales
English-language school readings in der Zentralbibliothek Wall-Saal
23 April 2024 • 19:00
Reading from Future Fairy Tales
public English-language reading in the Bibliothek Vegesack
24 April 2024 • 10:00
Readings with Future Fairy Tales
English-language school readings in the Bücherei Vahr, Berliner Freiheit
2 July 2024 • 17:30
Reading — Future Fairy Tales
Outdoor German-language public reading, free entrance; Mittelpunktbibliothek, Theodore-Heuss-Bibliothek, Hauptstraße 40, 10827
7 November 2024 • 09:45
German Reading from “Whispering Leaves”
closed, German-language reading from the novel “Blätterrauscshen” (“Whispering Leaves”) in the school Grunschule unter dem Regenbogen.
6 December 2024 • 19:00
Dinner Talk – Fairy Tales and Narrative Tradition
Theater an der Parkaue – Let's eat and talk about fairy tales and narrative traditions with Holly-Jane Rahlens, Prof. Dr. Mensah Wekenon Tokponto and Maria Carmela Marinelli, presented by Geraldine Mormin; Admission: € 7,00-9,00.

Poetry and Poetics: 13,33% True – Fact, Fiction and Autobiography

When I was asked to give a poetics lecture on November 21, 2023, in Halle, Germany, at the Martin-Luther-University, I knew immediately what I would be talking about. You can read my lecture here – in German.

Behind this link you’ll find all the Poetry & Poetics lectures held in recent years at the Faculty of Philosophy III Educational Sciences at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg on the subject of children’s and young adult literature. This includes lectures (in German-language!) by Paul Maar, Antje Tuckermann, Hans Joachim Gelberg, Michael Gutzschhahn and Antje Damm, among others. Take a look!

100th Anniversary of Radio in Germany

In celebration of the 100th anniversary of radio in Germany I (and other radio personalities) are being interviewed (in German!) by rbbkultur. Just click here – and enjoy!

A Fairytale Video

The Landshut State Library’s Youth Reading Club produced a fabulous video presenting my book Future Fairy Tales, their German Children’s Literature Award nominee for the Best Teen Read (Preis der Jugendjury) 2023. Take a look!