SFB-Computer Club
In 1984 computers weren’t exactly my forte, but that didn’t seem to bother Winfried Göpfert, head of SFB’s Science and Tech Department, who took me on as assistant on the program’s production staff. Quite the contrary, Göpfert was happy to have someone with little knowledge of computers to test the various devices that were presented on the show.
The five-part series that aired in 1985 was conceived to inform the average person about the world of digital information. “If you’re the proud owner of a new home computer,” said host Göpfert in episide one, “or if you’re just thinking of buying one, then you’re in the right place. If you’re only using the home computer you already have for video games and you’re not quite sure what else you can do with it, then you’re also in the right place.” Here’s a segment from the first episode with one of my computer reviews.